IVF Treatment & Test Tube Baby Process | Cost and Success Rates - Delhi IVF
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March 12, 2024

What is (IVF) Test Tube Baby – Test Tube Baby Process and Cost ?

As a couple think of family planning, their first choice is always natural conception. Yet, given to certain fertility issues or other reasons, they got to opt for ART( Assisted Reproductive techniques) like Test Tube baby or IVF( In Vitro Fertilization). While going ahead in the same context they come across numerous questions like – what is Test Tube baby or how IVF actually works. What would be the process and how much do I need to pay for it? In the following parts of this blog, we will try to cover all or most of those questions and concerns in detail.

What do we understand Test Tube baby( IVF ) ?

Test Tube baby ( or IVF baby)  is a term that is often used for a child conceived via the IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization) process. The conception process is totally different that natural conception where the fertilization process undergoes inside the mother’s body. During IVF, the sperm and eggs derived from the intended parents gets combined outside the body within a laboratory setting.

The process results in the formation of an embryo which is then fertilized for 3-6 days before getting implanted into the uterus of the intended mother. Moreover, the intended mother would then undergo a pregnancy test two-three weeks later and upon confirmation, will carry the child to term. You can know more regarding the process in the following sections of this blog.

Not many people know but the first successful birth of a child through IVF was Louise Brown in 1978 in Britain. This landmark achievement has since led to the popularity of IVF across the world and resulted in the birth of millions of babies around the world using Assisted Reproductive technology (ART).

The IVF process involves a few steps:

Ovulation Induction: It all starts with the ovulation induction process where the intended mother is administered with fertility medicines to stimulate her ovaries. This is done in order to let her ovaries produce multiple eggs (rather than the single egg that ordinarily gets developed each month) to extend the chances of effective fertilization.

Retrieving the eggs:  Afterwards, the Eggs are retrieved from the ovaries through a minor surgical process called follicular aspiration, which is performed under sedation

Sperm Retrieval: Once the eggs are retrieved from the intended mother’s ovaries, it’s now time to retrieve the sperm from the intended father. Once done, the same sperm is tested for its viability and afterwards, it’s all set for the fertilization process.

Fertilization: It all leads to the fertilization procedure when the retrieved eggs and sperm are mixed in a petri dish to let the sperm fertilize an egg, or a single sperm may be infused specifically into an egg in a method known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Embryo Culture: The previous procedure leads to the embryo culture where the fertilized egg divides and turns into an embryo. Once done, the same embryo is checked within the laboratory facility for several days.

Embryo transfer process: The professionals will pick the most viable embryo for the embryo transfer process. During this process, one or more embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus with the hope that it’ll get implanted and result in a successful pregnancy.

Once the procedure is over, the woman may be prescribed certain medications to prepare her uterine lining for pregnancy. Also, a pregnancy test is ordinarily done around two weeks after the embryo transfer process to check whether the process has come up successful.  In case pregnancy test comes positive, the intended mother would then carry the child to term. If it goes negative, the doctors or medical professionals may prescribe another IVF cycle to achieve the desired results.

Are there any risks and side effects associated with the Test Tube baby( IVF ) process?

What is Test Tube Baby Usually, the process is risk free and doesn’t involve any kind of health risk or side effects. Yet, in few of the cases, pain and discomfort can vary all through the IVF procedure, with a few stages being easy due to anesthesia and others causing gentle discomfort due to hormonal changes or surgical methods. On the other side, procedures such as egg retrieval and embryo transfer won’t come with any side effects or risks. Still, depending on the case, the person may feel some discomfort and pain after the administration of hormonal injections. Also, IVF includes a list of steps, from ovarian stimulation to egg retrieval and embryo transfer, each carrying its own set of potential side effects:

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Disorder (OHSS): This condition happens when the ovaries react in an exaggerated manner to the fertility medicines, leading to some swelling and pain in the given area. In extreme cases, it can lead to rapid weight gain, stomach pain, and shortness of breath.

Chances of multiple Pregnancies: While its rare, IVF sometimes increases the chances of multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, or more), which carry higher risks such as preterm labor, low birth weight, and pregnancy-induced hypertension.

Stress and anxiety: There is no denying that IVF process can sometimes be emotionally heavy due to the hormonal impacts of fertility drugs, financial stress, and the uncertainty around the result.

Overreaction to medicines: A few of the patients may also experience overreaction to fertility medicines, including hot flashes, migraines, random mood swings, and reaction within the injection region.

Chances of Ectopic Pregnancy: In spite of the fact that it’s highly rare, IVF can sometimes increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo implantation happens outside the uterus, more likely within the fallopian tube.

Other risks that are rare but sometimes get serious !

The side effects mentioned above mostly go away after sometime. Yet, there are certain rare, yet serious risks associated with the Test Tube baby process:

Egg retrieval Complications: The process to retrieve eggs includes embedding a needle through the vaginal wall to reach the ovaries. That said, this process carries certain risks such as bleeding, random infection, and some risks to other organs.

Embryo Implantation Issues: There are certain instances where the embryo might not implant within the uterus, leading to a failed IVF cycle. Moreover, there’s also a chance of premature delivery, miscarriage, comparable to the risk in natural conception.

Certain Birth defects: There have been certain instances where the patients have complained of certain birth defects in babies conceived through IVF, in spite of the fact that more research is required to understand this risk fully.

How to manage with the Risks effectively?

Every medical procedure carries some amount of risks and Test Tube baby process or IVF is no exception. Whereas the risks and side effects can appear overwhelming, there are steps that can be taken to moderate them:

Proper monitoring: All through the IVF process, medical professionals must closely screen patients’ reactions to treatments and medicines, changing procedures as required eliminating such risks.

Single Embryo transfer (SET): To diminish the risk of multiple pregnancies, many clinics presently suggest implanting a single embryo, especially in younger women or those with high-quality embryos.

Access to various support systems: One can also connect for counseling with random support groups that offer assistance in overseeing the emotional and mental stress related with IVF treatment.

Following a healthy lifestyle:  At the same time, following a healthy lifestyle before getting started with IVF can help with the body’s response to various treatment procedures. Moreover, it potentially reduces the risks of random medical complications.

Making an informed choice is the key !

Intended parents must know that opting for IVF is a significant choice that needs some careful decisions and planning. That said, they must first discuss it with their fertility professionals around the potential risks and side effects, tailored to their particular health profile and fertility challenges. Also, understanding these risks is important for setting realistic expectations and planning for the IVF journey.

Also, it’s fundamental to consider the enthusiastic and money related perspectives of IVF, as these can moreover affect one’s by and large well-being. Looking for back from counselors, bolster bunches, or indeed companions and family can give much-needed consolation and direction all through the method.

Taking a deep dive into the Cost of Test Tube baby ( IVF)

As an intended parent think of pursuing IVF, their biggest concern is always the cost of IVF or Test Tube baby process. While we know that IVF is a cost effective process, you can always manage the costs with some cautious thoughts.

That said, IVF includes the process of retrieving eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab, and after that implanting the embryos into the uterus. That said, the cost of a single IVF cycle changes significantly over distinctive regions and clinics. For example, in India, the cost extend for one IVF cycle can be from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 2,50,000. Moreover, this shift isn’t unique to India; costs vary essentially around the world, regularly coming to much higher in nations just like the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

Major factors impacting the cost of Test Tube baby

The overall cost of IVF treatment is impacted by a list of factors that are mentioned below:

Number of Cycles: Frequently, more than one IVF cycle is required to attain pregnancy. That said, each extra cycle adds up to the overall cost of the IVF, including the initial medicines, strategies, and monitoring.

Cost of the fertility medicines: Intended parents should also know that fertility medicines are a basic component of IVF treatment, stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Moreover, the type and quality of medicines can essentially affect the overall cost and expenses.

Various Tests and Diagnosis: In prior to getting started with IVF, couples needs to go through different tests to check for the fertility issues. That said, the costs incurred towards these tests would add up into the overall cost for the IVF treatment. 

Using the services of donor eggs or Sperm:  There may be situations where the medical professionals would recommend the utilization of donor eggs or sperm for the IVF. This may happen due to certain issues with the quality of the eggs and sperm retrieved from the intended parents. These situations would eventually increase the overall cost of the IVF process.

Other specialized procedures: IVF is just a part of the ART realm. So, apart from IVF, medical professionals may sometime use various other methods like ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), PGD (pre-implantation genetic screening), and assisted hatching. Moreover, these procedures can be prescribed to the intended parents depending on their fertility issues, thus leading to increased costs.

Cost towards Embryo freezing and storage: There are some situations that demands for the embryos to get frozen for future use. In all such cases, the costs of cryopreservation and yearly storage charges contribute to the in general cost.

Geographical location: The location of the IVF clinic also matters. That said, clinics in big cities or regions with higher living costs regularly charge more.

Any insurance coverage: The availability of Insurance coverage is subjective to certain countries or cities. That said, these insurance policies can help you cover most part of your IVF treatment.

Managing the costs related to Test Tube baby effectively!

There is no denying the IVF procedure would come with a cost. Still, In spite of the higher costs, there are ways to mange and possibly decrease the financial burden of IVF:

Insurance coverage: Check along with your insurance provider to see if they are covering the given procedures and medicines.

Clinic Payment Plans: A few fertility clinics offer payment plans or financing choices to help spread out the IVF cost over the time.

Choosing the right Clinic: Investigating and comparing the success rates and costs of various clinics can help you find one that offers a perfect balance of quality care and affordable costs

Understanding the concept of Emotional and Financial investment

IVF doesn’t just come as a financial investment but as an emotional one as well. Moreover, the process can be physically demanding and burdening, with no guaranteed success. That said, understanding the components that influence the overall cost of IVF and finding ways to oversee these costs can help couples get ready for their journey towards parenthood.

This is where it’s critical for couples to have open discussions with their fertility professionals around the potential costs and success rates of Test Tube baby or IVF. Also, being well-informed can help in making choices that align with their financial circumstance and family-building objectives.


The Test tube baby process or IVF has helped numerous couples in realizing their parenthood goals over the years. Moreover, the dream of parenthood through IVF is achievable for many, with cautious planning and consideration of the financial suggestions included.