IVF Success at 45 | Inspiring Story of Parenthood at Any Age - Delhi IVF
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April 6, 2022

Short Success Story of IVF at 45

Women Conceived twin babies through IVF at 45 Years of age. Pregnancy at 45 is rare and can be attained only through IVF

Early IVF conceived twin pregnancy scan. Pregnancy at 45 through IVF is a Miracle and we are the reasons for many. We always say if you have belief at any age you can be a mother. All you have to search is for the Best IVF Team of doctors where you carry out the treatment. You should have patience and belief in your doctors and yourself.

There is a saying Miracles do happen just have faith. We are sharing a short success story of a woman who has faith got conceived at 45.

This is a very special patient who has planned to conceive through IVF. She was referred by a friend who has also taken treatment and is the mother of twins. Before she haven’t conceived she could hardly believe that she can be a mother at age of 45.

She is 45 years old and unfortunately, her first marriage didn’t work. After going through a harsh couple of years she finally started planning after she got married the second time at the end of the 41years. She had a variety of medical issues which made it very difficult for her to conceive. With multipronged treatment and a lot of patience ( an ectopic pregnancy followed by an endoscopy surgical procedure followed a couple of weeks of medication and then an IVF procedure), she finally has conceived twins!! Of course, her happiness ( and of course ours ) knows no bounds!

Why patient says Dr. Anoop Gupta is the Best Fertility Doctor?

When she heard that she is pregnant and had twins she couldn’t believe her ears. She specially thanked Dr. Anoop Gupta who has been one of the Oldest and Most Experience IVF doctors in India as well as the World. Dr. Anoop Gupta has been treating Infertility in both men and women for 30 years. He has been the reason for smiling for more than 16500 couples around the world.

Wishing her the very best for the future!

Delhi IVF is one of the leading and Oldest IVF clinics in Delhi. It started with a dream to shower happiness on Infertile couples. Delhi has more than 100 Plus IVF centers but still, we are the Top and Talk of the town.