Test Tube Baby are same as regular babies
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April 6, 2022

Are IVF babies not the same as regular babies ? Do IVF infants have birth abnormalities and deformities?

There are many myths about getting pregnant through IVF. Some of the questions are addressed in this post

Q) Are IVF babies not the same as regular babies? Do IVF infants have birth abnormalities and deformities?

We are sharing a picture which itself is enough for your answers as pictures speak louder than words. As we have an experience of more than 29 years we have many successful stories. Also, we have babies who are now as big as 25 -26 years old and are professionally doing great Engineers, Pharmacist, International Players, Digital marketing, MBAs, etc. There are no reasons for abnormalities in babies born through IVF if there is no issue genetically.