Motherhood is the Most Wonderful Feeling in the World, Its Every Woman’s Greatest Dream!
When we recall our childhood memories and often wonder how our parents used to take care of our each and everything, we want to kind of re-live that moment but this time not as being a child but as being a protective parent of a child.
Even if women these days are facing unusual circumstances, many women are opting for an insurance plan for their future babies; they are opting to freeze their eggs.
Welcome To the New Era!
So, are you ready to experience motherhood? If you have a desire to become a mother but you are not ready yet, then you can explore the option of freezing your eggs to secure your future fertility. The times are changing; people are changing their way of thinking and becoming progressive. Women these days are more conscious about their higher education, career, and prefer to get married when they find the right person, even if it’s a little later in life, that’s why they keep the family planning thought aside for some years.
Egg freezing can be termed as an insurance of a baby even before its birth. Freezing your eggs at a preferred age i.e. late 20’s or early 30’s can keep them young and healthy until you are ready to get pregnant as per your own desire. Egg freezing helps you to fill the gap between your current conditions of life and your healthy eggs.
The Egg Freezing Process
An egg freezing cycle is similar to the first part of an IVF cycle. It involves women to take daily injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce a “good number” of eggs. The number of eggs produced will depend upon the age of the woman and her ovarian reserve and the dose of drugs used for stimulations will be adjusted accordingly. The stimulation process usually takes 10 to 12 days during which time 2-3 ultrasounds are required to assess the growth follicles in the ovaries. An egg collection is performed on approximately days 12 to 14 of the treatment and is performed under short general anesthesia/sedation and takes approximately 15-20 minutes to perform. The eggs are assessed in the laboratory and those eggs which are of correct maturity are frozen using a technique known as vitrification/ flash freezing.
Pre-treatment Requirements
A pelvic ultrasound is needed to look at the ovaries and examine the antral follicle count which is used as a symbol of ovarian reserve. The accessibility of the ovaries to the oocytes collection procedure is also assessed. Ovarian reserve is also examined by an AMH test which is a blood test and can be taken at any time during the menstrual cycle. Blood is also collected for screening of Hepatitis B core antibody, Hepatitis B surface antigen, Hepatitis C and HIV. Informed consent is required before starting the entire process.
During the birth, women are born with the limited number of eggs and it cannot be mutated. Almost around hundred eggs are lost every month due to normal attenuation or apoptosis, which is programmed cell death under which all human cells are affected. Also, woman’s fertility or reproductive potential can be threatened by unexpected medical issues like cancer at an early age or diminished ovarian function. Unexpectedly, this leads to the declined ovarian reserve. When a child is in the womb of a woman, there are 5-6 millions eggs and when she gets born, those eggs decline and gets up to 1 million because many of them die. At the time of puberty, it’s nearly 2-5 lakh eggs. At 37, there are only 5000 eggs remaining and when enters her 50’s, the eggs remaining are only a thousand.
Few chromosomal healthy eggs are released by the ovaries during the later 30’s and 40’s, due to the unexpected cell modifications. This results in an increased number of unhealthy embryo formations due to which there are lower chances of getting pregnant and higher chances of miscarriages, Down’s syndrome and even infertility. This gives clarity on why one shows to consider this option.
When Should You Freeze Your Eggs?
The best age is to freeze your eggs is in the late twenties and early thirties when you are living your healthiest and most fertile years. Because the fertility (quality) and the number of (quantity) of eggs are harvested decides the success rate of conceiving later. This is a good age when a woman must consider if she wants to delay parenthood and can consider options such as egg freezing.